17 Apr Rapid Impact Assessment (RIA) | COVID-19
RIA is a customizable tool that helps companies identify and better plan for the financial impact of COVID-19.
Pay What You Like
Morar Inc and Practus has worked with 500+ companies to provide Office of the CFO services. To help companies navigate through the uncertainties of COVID-19, we are sharing our expertise and industry best practices on a Pay What You Like basis.
What you get:
Our 3-15 day RIA analyzes the potential financial risks to your business and shares strategies to deal with loss and/or delays in cashflows:
- P&L and cash flow impact
- A customizable tool to model potential business risk scenarios
- High level recommendations regarding: (a)Cost containment, (b) Capex deferment, (c) Liquidity generating strategies.
“It is easy to be a vendor during the good times, it is during the tough times that you can prove to be a true business partner.” –Morar Inc and Practus
How it works:
- No checklists, no elaborate forms to be filled out
- All work is done on client’s servers – no transfer of information
Set up your kick off call today!
Email us at ria@morar.co.za or call at +27 800 212 553
*Limited Period Offer. Not offered as a free service. Morar Inc and Practus offers #paywhatyoulike to partner with Corporates in dealing with the Corona crisis. Morar Inc and Practus makes no warranties for any interpretations not stated in this message and accepts no liability for any damages, including without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, arisinout of or due to use of the information given in this message.
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